The Layover

2017 • 87 minutes
144 reviews
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About this movie

When their plane is rerouted due to a hurricane warning, two single female best friends find themselves competing for the same guy during an extended layover in St. Louis.

Ratings and reviews

144 reviews
Cristian sJuarez
April 8, 2023
Mucho mejor de lo que esperaba. La historia es bastante bizarra si (y hasta bastante preocupante por momentos), la pareja protagonista tiene que cargar con todo el peso de la película desde el minuto uno (y cumplen de manera mas o menos exitosa) pero igual logro hacerme reír bastante y la disfrute de principio a fin, no es la típica comedia romántica sonsa que siempre se terminan pareciendo.
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Zachary Zetts
September 3, 2019
I only watched because Google made me pay (not rent). I don't think I laughed a single time. The bathroom scene was in the trailer, so I'll spoil it. It was stupid, and the rest of the movie is relatable.
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Shaun Alexander
July 23, 2019
we all came for these two fine ladies! plot what? writing huh? boobies yay!!!
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