Grace Ownbey
The movie is definitely strange, and it won't be for everyone. Its fairly slow moving, and nothing is explained in depth, but it does a fantastic job of building an eerie atmosphere. If you're familiar with The Lobster, then you should have a general idea of what your in for. Take the style of that film and apply it to a thriller rather than a dry dark comedy. Also this is one of the most disturbing films I've ever seen, so just be aware. If you're interested in films as art rather than simply entertainment then by all means, watch this film. It is absolutely worth it.
30 people found this review helpful

An interesting premise for a story that's wasted by being told through a pretentious art-house lens. It's slow, it's boring, and, as is typical with these types of movies, it abruptly just sort of ends with no satisfactory conclusion. Every single character (Every. Single. Character) acts like a wooden puppet. All dialogue from all characters is spoken like they're imitating Microsoft Sam. The whole movie feels like I'm trapped in an art gallery where every painting is just a red dot on a white canvas, and the curator is trying to convince me that it's "art". It's not art - it's pretentious and boring, and I want it out of my face. Don't watch this if you value your time.
19 people found this review helpful

Kryptonarie 63
The Killing Of The Sacred Deer is an interesting movie, simplistic on the surface, but a slow burn, dark, & effusive story. A story about one's skewed perceptions, their limp guilt, & their denial having a negative hand in any events that have &/or will go wrong. It's also about the aplomb of another's conviction, his mastery of THE POWER OF SUGGESTION, & how his man-made karma may outwardly look like justice, but, it's still just an eye for an eye.
27 people found this review helpful