Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

2006 • 112 minutes
616 reviews
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About this movie

Will Ferrell stars as Harold Crick, a lonely IRS agent whose mundane existence is transformed when he hears a mysterious voice narrating his life. With the help of Professor Jules Hilbert (Dustin Hoffman), Harold discovers he's the main character in a novel-in-progress and that the voice belongs to Karen Eiffel (Emma Thompson), an eccentric author famous for killing her main characters in creative ways. Harold must quickly track down Eiffel and stop her before she conjures up a way to finish him off. © 2006 Crick Pictures LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

616 reviews
youngartz BYoung
March 15, 2014
Will is just perfect as Harold. Wishing he could do more of this type....... Dustin Hoffman's bit part sparkles as well. As the frantic author Emma is tops one more time. The romantic side with the flours is so unexpected, but not corney like you expect from him which makes it so pleasant to watch----over and over.
Jarom Edwards
November 1, 2020
While the movie has a cool concept, fun acting, and interesting premise, it comes down to a dissatisfactory climax, which in the end, made it waste its own time.
Joshua Russo
December 30, 2013
Someone once told me that while not all dramatic actors can do comedy, all comedic actors can do drama. This is a great example, as Will Farrell shows true depth and creates a very compelling character. Meanwhile the supporting roles were wonderfully cast and really rounded out a moving, feel-good flick.