The Godfather

1972 • 177 minutes
4.06K reviews
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About this movie

Francis Ford Coppola's epic masterpiece features Marlon Brando in his Oscar ®-winning role as the patriarch of the Corleone family. Director Coppola paints a chilling portrait of the Sicilian clan's rise and near fall from power in America, masterfully balancing the story between the Corleone's family life and the ugly crime business in which they are engaged. Based on Mario Puzo's best-selling novel and featuring career-making performances by Al Pacino, James Cann and Robert Duvall, this searing and brilliant film garnered ten Academy Award® nominations, and won three including Best Picture of 1972.

Ratings and reviews

4.06K reviews
Kyle Vansteelandt
November 22, 2018
You've never seen anything as mind-blowing, dramatic, intelligent, shocking, & epic as The Godfather! This film has the best direction, best dialogue, & best acting ever. The direction & plotline gives you a feeling that's like "Oh gosh, what's gonna happen?" & somtimes it let's your guard down (Very Suspensful). This movie also has funny moments. The action sequences & violence is shocking & surprising. This film is also one of the smartest most intelligent movie i've ever seen. It feels like it made me smarter & made me think more. & The drama in this film is unlike anything you've ever seen in a drama film. Now, I'm gonna be honest, i had a flaw with this film: the flaw for this movie is more questionable than pointless. This movie either has a deeper meaning/makes it's point or it doesn't. Disobeying the law is a nessacary evil. All authority is corrupt. & there is a questionable scene that involes murder in a resturaunt. The thing is that the message in this film is that family is everything, but don't get out of hand and over the top. Overall: this movie may not be the masterpiece as everyone thinks it is, But it's a great movie. everyone has their own opinion on movies.
52 people found this review helpful
Seba Gonzalez
June 13, 2016
While I don't think the Godfather is the greatest film ever made. It's definitely a great tense and gritty mafia movie with absolutely amazing performances all the way around.
Taren P
January 17, 2022
I've heard so much about this movie for decades and finally watched it. It's good for sure, but it doesn't compare to the newer mafia movies IMHO.