Angela Knickerbocker
Was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I thought I'd give it a shot even though I've seen the babysitter/scary movie plot a million times and assumed it would end like all the others- predictable with the basic girl must find a way to overcome a deranged "insert bad person here" & scare/run/fight/survive, but this movie has a new view which viewers should enjoy; I know I did. It was definitely worth the rent and recommend giving it a shot. 4⭐
8 people found this review helpful

Drake Cardenas
I watched this movie just based on synopsis alone and not the trailer or reviews. I like Levi Miller as an actor in the few things he has been in so i decided to give this one a chance. The beginning seemed alright, kinda cliche babysitter invasion you would expect, but then had a twist in the beginning that kicked off the real movie. After we see what is really happening, the movie turns to garbage and i lost interest midway. It was just too unrealistic. The main character struggled too much and was defeated way too easily, especially by 12 year old children, as well as 2 college aged men. With today's technology in criminal research, it is hard to forget about those when watching this, because you know that these kids would not be able to get away with any of this. Yeah its just a movie, but everything was just way too convenient and didn't allow any sort of fight between the protagonist and the antagonist. The ending managed to pull a little bit of resolution to the movie, but it just wasn't enough to be satisfied in the movie altogether. I felt like it was missing something and afterwards it left me a bit frustrated at not being resolved to what it could have been.
19 people found this review helpful

Lucas Stevason
I watched this movie based on the trailers. They made it look like a comedy and it is not. Not at all. It's a below average horror. The plot holes in this movie are plenty and large. The entire premise of a 12 year old needing a babysitter so the parents can go out for only a few hours seems ridiculous. There is no explanation for this. Any other plot holes I could mention would spoil too much so I won't but rest assured there are so many and it's distracting. The ending is Balogny. The premise is Balogny. The acting is Balogny. This movie sucks.
11 people found this review helpful