Cedric P.
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This is a good movie.It's exactly what a movie is supposed to be - entertaining.The acting is done well.The ending is satisfying.The only criticism I have on this film is some of the events in it don't make much sense,but this issue isn't enough to ruin the movie. I find it interesting that some people are calling this an action movie because its really not,this is more in line with drama,or a thriller. Recommended.

Christy Baker
I love Halle Berry's acting so it pains me to give this such a bad review, but it was one of the slowest, most repetitive and least action filled "action" films I've seen. After more than 3/4 the movie, three of my family members and I all looked at each other and turned it off in boredom. It was one long car chase in slow motion with nothing else ever happening. Honestly bad plot, bad writing and very little in the way of characters, dialogue or even good action sequences (unless you like seeing endless footage of high speed highway chase with nothing else going on and not going anywhere).

Robert Johnson
Awful. Berry's acting was atrocious. And the writing wasn't much better. Very predictable. I hate when a movie like this backfires and makes the woman look incompetent. Child gets abducted. Long car chase with lots of yelling and bone-headed decisions. Berry kills kidnappers who are part of some kidnapping. Gets her child back while saving a couple more. The end. Save your money.