Jay Conley
This could've been a lot better, but they wrote the main characters as morons. I get going for a lil dumb, but it was just too much, these guys were soo stupid and clueless I was rooting for the vampires.
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Mike Peterson (Mic Pete)
Story could have been good but was not, nor the acting, nor the directing. Ended up very good at being Just Trash!! mic pete

Zirillius “Z” Harris
First time I seen this movie, I was deployed Iraq. It quickly became a favorite of mine, as well as my fellow soldiers. I lost the movie tho, due to some unfortunate events, and I have been looking for it since. This version has a few lines and scenes missing, and I don't know if it's they toned it down for American audiences (yes, toned down) or if it was just too graphic for Google. Maybe the version I had before was uncut. Still, it's a great movie, and if your looking for a good laugh or two, watch it.
7 people found this review helpful