Jozo Zovko
I didn't know what to expect before I saw this film, and after seeing it, I was left with a "that's it?..." kind of feeling. It's a pretty aimless movie, that I think strives too hard for a feeling similar to a Terence Malick film, but comes away looking like bad high school poetry. Great performances by the actors. Good ideas all around, but the film was greatly hurt by the poor execution of the creative heads.
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Joe Campbell
I loved this movie, but I don't get all the hype. Sure, it has heart, enduring characters, and a great pro-family message, but what elevates this above any other film of its type? Definitely worth checking out, in any case.

Eric Bowers
This film has some amazing acting in it from relatively unknown actors. Its a great film that explores a little known legends and cultures of the Bayou on the backdrop of a very real storm threatening their very existence.