Samuel Courliss
This movie is better and improves a lot from the 1989 sequel. Still, it doesn't live up to the first. Unfortunately, it's a lot like the first two movies. That could be good, but could also be bad. Everything unfolds in the exact same manner. They travel back in time, Marty gets a head injury, wakes up someplace, confronts Biff, and then meets back up with Doc Brown. However, Doc's life has never been in danger before, and that's a welcome addition to the plot. It's also a fun spin on a western movie.
18 people found this review helpful

David Riccitiello
While an a improvement over part 2 it doesn't reach the heights that the first film had. But still has great characters, story, climax, and, once again, great twists. Probably the best twists in the series.
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