Pamela Hendee
If you want a show that keeps you guessing from start to finish this is for you! Fell in love with GOT from episode 1 season 1. Everyone on here whining about the show did one of 3 things wrong. 1.) They choose to love only 1 character on the show, sorry your mistake. Never love just one because they can be gone in the blink of a eye. 2.) You whine about the blood, sex and violence. Get over it. It's a work of fiction, it’s not real. Be grossed out by what is really going on in our world not a book or show. 3.) You gave up on this series way to soon. No story is perfect and has it's flaws. But if you sit and watch Outlander on Starz an don't complain about the shows violence you're a hypocrite. Outlander is just as violent and has just as much sex. FYI. I read the Outlander Series an watch the show. Get authors for both Game of Thrones and Outlander which are both works of fiction. Learn to Enjoy a show without judgment till the end.
346 people found this review helpful

Matthew Shin
Game of Thrones is easily one of my favorite Television Series ever. Which is interesting because I've never been one to "geek out" on fantasy epics (I.e LotR). The show itself was a massive hit and well received by viewers and critics alike. the characters are all brilliantly written, and brought to life by amazing performance from every talented actor. The location sets, costume designs, and languages are so carefully thought out and prepared, that getting lost in the world of Westeros comes effortlessly. I believe that this "review" is more so about me giving GoT it's well deserved praise, as opposed to recommending it, because everyone watches it by now... And if you're one of the few that haven't caught on... Then start watching immediately... You'll be glad you did. ProjektSHIN
283 people found this review helpful

Julie Snedeker
I cried when this show ended. Wish they knew it was gonna be so great and made first seasons longer. The cast was amazing and always did wonderful job I can imagine how sad it was for them to end the show as well or die off as a character. Best show since lord of the rings trilogy by far. I always loved stories like this unfortunately I wasn't able to read the books but I wish I had been able to I didn't know about them . I was told the made allot of changes to the movie from the actual books. I recommend to anyone who hasn't seen and to watch it from start to end BINGE watch it I've done it 4 xs and still can't get enough. And to the one guy who left bad review you suck 🤣 and special thanks to the cast and crew who made this amazing show I can't wait till my kids are old enough to watch it and know the story! The crew was amazing and that guy who played winter fell soldier I forget his name he was in the documentary YOU ROCK dude ! Sorry your show ended