Tavy Smith
I did a spell with my cousin and it works, we just had to believe hard and to wait a minute to get our tails... my movie of Bunnie and the mermaids is on YouTube, you can see the episodes there. I love this show... and a new movie I made is called Bunnie as Blue Riding Hood its on every weekend 😄😄
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Samantha Caldwell
It is so good its the best i had different feeling though out it i cried tears of joy it is the best and i recommend it to everyone it was the best i am just sad that it is over it was and still is the best i watched it everyday before and after school and before i went to bed and before i left my room i always paused it thats how much i love it so much it is the best and does not have to worry about me replacing the place where it is in my heart i love it soo much.(P.S this is not a lie)

Haley Claxton
When i was younger i started to get kind of obsessed with mermaids and wanting to become one. A year went by and i was over it, but one day during the summer my cousin showed me the first episode and from that moment on I was in love with the show and made it my favorite show of all time. I still rewatch all the seasons today and hope that there will be a season 4 soon!!!
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