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Season 2 episodes (26)
1 Stormy Weather
Under the influence of a Full Moon, the girls' powers are hugely enhanced and they wreak havoc on Lewis in his boat. The next day the girls realise they still need Lewis.
2 Control
Emma uses her new powers to help Elliott win at soccer. Lewis decides to test the girls' increased powers. Cleo has had enough of Lewis' smothering and dumps him. Lewis meets Charlotte and they bond.
3 The One That Got Away
Zane's back in town and still in love with Rikki. He works out she's still a mermaid and tries to win her back. Cleo becomes suspicious of Lewis spending time with Charlotte.
4 Fire and Ice
Rikki comes to stay at Emma's house and stirs up the family unit. In trying to compete with Rikki, Emma tries to rebel and throws a party. Nate uses Lewis to make a play for Cleo.
5 Hocus Pocus
Lewis finds an old book on mermaids and tests out a potion recipe on the girls. Cleo tries to get Don and her Mum together by using her powers to grant him a wish. Realising it's not what he wants, she finally accepts the situation.
6 Pressure Cooker
Don appears to have a girlfriend - Cleo is shocked to find it is Charlotte's mother. Lewis becomes aware of Charlotte's feelings for him.
7 In Hot Water
Everyone is shocked when Cleo is fired at the Ice Cream Stand, and even more so when Lewis takes her place! Rikki and Emma strike back at him but end up going too far.
8 Wrong Side of the Tracks
Zane has an argument with a man in a trailer park but little does he know it's Rikki's dad. Rikki has to overcome her shame about her background and introduce her dad to Zane.
9 Riding for a Fall
Emma meets Ash - a handsome horse riding instructor. A horse falls ill and Emma must use her powers to fix it. Lewis accidentally invites both Charlotte and Cleo to an awards dinner.
10 Missed the Boat
Cleo is failing at school and is assigned a tutor - Charlotte. Cleo wants Lewis back but her attitude to Charlotte only drives him further away. Cleo discovers Lewis and Charlotte kissing.
11 In Over Our Heads
Zane hears of a treasure under the ocean and enlists the girls to find it. Rikki is injured in the search. Zane gives Rikki the reward. Charlotte contrives to keep Lewis from the girls.
12 Fish Fever
Emma starts acting weird after pricking her finger on a barb of coral. Cleo's fish Hector exhibits the same behaviour. Emma becomes more and more like a fish and Lewis has to find a way to cure her.
13 Moonwalker
Don takes the family camping on Mako Island during a Full Moon. The girls are affected and need the moon pool for sanctuary. Charlotte almost slips in the moon pool and realises something weird is going on there.
14 Get Off My Tail
Emma thinks she's going to get a promotion at the juice bar but Ash is given the job. Emma and Ash clash over the job, but we discover it's over a lot more. Meanwhile, Lewis stands up to Charlotte over spending time with Cleo.
15 Irresistible
Lewis and Zane find an old myth about mermaids is true the scent of ambergris sends them wild. But it backfires when sleazy Nate gets hold of the scent and has all three mermaid girls on his arm!
16 Double Trouble
Rikki tries to avoid Zane when he comes back, but needs his help after an incident with a speedboat. Meanwhile, Charlotte continues to flirt with Lewis and Cleo worries for their secret.
17 Moonstruck
Cleo and Rikki push Ash into asking Emma out again little did they know he'd turn up at Emma's place in time for a full moon! Rikki and Cleo are both moonstruck and Ash looks set to discover Emma's secret.
18 The Heat Is On
For the first anniversary of the girls being mermaids, Cleo decides to throw a party. However, Emma and Rikki fall out following a fight between Ash and Zane and Cleo may have to celebrate alone.
19 The Gracie Code Part One
Lewis discovers someone called Max Hamilton did research fifty years ago on the strange properties of Mako Island. Lewis tracks the old man down and finds that he knows a lot more about mermaids than Lewis first thought.
20 The Gracie Code Part Two
Charlotte demands answers to why Lewis is hanging out with the girls so much. She believe an excuse from Cleo, but then a discovery from inside Max's research brings her to the secret! Meanwhile, Ash decides to help Emma with her "fear of water."
21 And Then There Were Four
Charlotte follows Lewis to Max Hamilton. Max tells all to Charlotte when he discovers she's the granddaughter of his one true love. Charlotte and Lewis almost break up until she goes to the moonpool, becoming a mermaid herself!
22 Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble
The girls have to deal with a fourth mermaid who turns out to be a loose cannon; Charlotte almost turns into a mermaid at a volleyball competition. Charlotte discovers she has all three mermaid superpowers.
23 Reckless
As the girls continue to have problems accommodating Charlotte as a mermaid, Nate bullies Lewis. Despite the girls' attempts to keep Charlotte under control, she uses her powers on Nate and almost exposes them all.
24 Three's Company
Charlotte takes over and organises a surprise party for Lewis, annoying Rikki. At the party, Charlotte is jealous of Cleo and traps her and Emma in a pool room. Rikki comes back just in time. From now on, Charlotte is on her own.
25 Sea Change
Cleo is bullied by Charlotte and runs away to the ocean. With Cleo missing, everyone becomes more and more worried. Lewis discovers what Charlotte has been up to and breaks up with her. He finds Cleo and they kiss.
26 Unfathomable
The full moon rises, and with the planets lining up, it can remove mermaid powers for good. Knowing this, Lewis lures Charlotte to the moon pool but it backfires and Emma, Cleo and Rikki all look set to lose their powers.
About this show
As if being a teen weren't hard enough, the three gals in this Australian fantasy series must cope with the added burden of growing a giant fin and transforming into mermaids whenever they come into contact with water- a fact they try to hide.
Ratings and reviews
722 reviews
Jonathan Tremblay
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November 26, 2021
Great show. But one problem, there have been times (mainly somewhere in Season 2) that there is way too much teen drama. Wish they could lower it down a bit. Besides that, the show was awesome.
Faye Cornejo
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January 3, 2018
I love this show it's the best they need to make more seasons where they are all grown up and they have the same boyfriends and they are married and they have kids and they don't want there kids to know they are mermaids till one day they do and it's all still one big secret. This is what I think they rest if the seasons should be if you have something else just comment and tell we can all share our stories of what we want cause if the directors see this it could be more shows on it and we might get lucky and our parts of things we think could be in the show all I want is more seasons I think everyone does !!!!!😁😁😍😍😍
74 people found this review helpful
Cheyenne Fultz
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July 7, 2016
H2o is the best show ever shown on TV its REALLY entertaining and full of excitement all kids should love it the first Tim I seen it I was hooked instantly it is full of action mystery science and the best part its full of magic it let's children imagine and fantasize about magical things and let's them believe its like a fairytale that has actual real live people and real life things!!! So if u haven't watched or heard about it u better search it up and watch it!!!😍😍😍