Matt Lerch
The great flood and destruction of humanity as punishment for their evil ways have been told by many cultures and civilizations. The Native Americans, Greeks, and Babylonians are just a few to name that tell of a great spirit, god or creator telling an individual what is going to happen. All have some sort of watercraft to save a few precious humans and animals. These stories must have some basis in actual events if several civilizations separated by distance and time have similar tellings. I believe in something higher than mankind, because if we're the pinnacle of the universe's design then it only proves the universe is an empty, lonely messed up place. The movie was cute, lots of winks and nods to other thing. Video games, evolution, stereotyping, bigotry, hatred and how to over come them, unconditional love, courage, hope. Religious or not this movie has a little bit of something for everybody. For the haters of this movie. on both sides of the religious isle, all forms of media is either indoctrination, propaganda, or a combination of both and blind faith is dangerous.
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Antoine Dubois
I've been working on an idea for a disney pixar movie and this was very close to that. The idea was that an animal get's left behind during the flood on Noah 's ark. He must either find a way back on the boat or find land while stranded in the middle of the ocean. The animation is cheap, voice work is terrible, and the story is a copycat of mine. Terrible Terrible Terrible. With a capital T. Awful.

Philip Manthe
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It's no Pixar movie, but might be okay for kids for children. Your kids around three to seven may like it. In this retelling of the story of Noah's Ark from the animals perspective you'll find a fair amount of liberties taken when the traditional Noah's Ark story, but also some pretty decent voice acting and some impressive looking animation especially considering it's a relatively unknown studio. The overall message isn't bad but may be a bit simplistic for older kids. But it's definitely watchable if you buy or rent this for your youner ones and you can certainly do far worse.