Dezert Punk
Both actors carry this film in such an amazing way. The chemistry is undeniable & it draws me in like not too many others can do. The only negative for me is the 3rd in the series but in my experience as I get older, certain films that I use to hate become better. Maybe "Before Midnight"(3rd in the series)will be one of these in years to come. As of now it was overkill & the 1st two films(Before Sunrise & Before Sunset)should have been it.

Gigi B Valentine
i absolutely LOVE everything about this film. it does tend to aquire opinions very high to both the north and south poles, ive definitely noticed! its deeply adored or liberally despised -- a fab movie-going memory or that ONE flick yall walked out on, no way Josè, never looking back to indies AGAIN! PATOOOHEEY i say! at least we can def agree that THIS one is a big time talkie - but i might have mentioned somewhere along the way that i kinda love that junk, right?
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