olatunde shittu
It was complicated, i would say it is horror,a bit fetish, yet the pretty girl passed on, maybe she shouldn't have died,i never seem to got what kind of ties she had with the man,with dual personality,i think the fact that she was nude, kind of trip tease, made her accepted, yes she was acceptable, she had good friends too,that Father figure she had was, like a serial killer, she was a user of narcotics well, perhaps was boyfriend was not a user, her was a charmer, all the way for me, Yes narcotics pushed her off the motorcycle right down on the road.Her friend didn't died obviously, she maybe might be in between to those where not understood scenes.
11 people found this review helpful

The best episode of Twin Peaks isn't even an episode. If you are looking for a good time, don't watch this. Because the fall of Laura Palmer is one of the most horrifying things I've seen in a movie, and it takes its time. The slow building madness mixed with the signature supernatural under tones, and you have a masterful horror film that perfectly compliments the series.

Brent D.
This and the 3rd season are needed to really decode all the weirdness (spoiler, it's David Lynch's distaste for 80"s onward TV studios giving into people violent Appetites and characters who's deaths feel meaningless enough for us to be numb to them. ). There are little personal attacks in this movie ("you stole the corn!") against the studio that forced the outing of laura's killer (who wasn't supposed to be known so early on if ever)