1984 • 110 minutes
366 reviews
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About this movie

The classic George Orwell story set in a world where absolute conformity in action, word and thought including loyalty to Big Brother is demanded. In 1984, the world is divided into three vast states, whose inhabitants are dominated by all powerful governments. Winston, a worker, starts an illegal love affair with Julia, and becomes the target of a brain-washing campaign to force him to conform.

Ratings and reviews

366 reviews
Tony Dantes
July 3, 2018
The movie does a poor job of illustrating a classic book written by George Orwell. Like all movies based on books, this one is no exception of directors missing their chance at making the book into reality. Clockwork Orange did a fantastic job connecting the movie to the book with helpful narration along the way. While this movie did go through the motions of the book with quotations, it failed to grasp the significant idea and its entirety of the book. Those who read the book may know what i speak of when i say it leaves out and rushes important details. I think for people who have not read the book and watches this movie would be disappointed with what a fantastic story it may be.
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Marcus Fagre
July 11, 2020
This is an absolutely trash movie compared to the book. Yes, all movies don't live up to the book by comparison, but in this case, it seems as though the writers, directors, and storyboard executives just cliff noted the book and wrote a scrip. There were so many parts of the movie that could have enhanced the feelings and relationships of the book without actually doing much at all. Even as a stand alone movie it doesn't make sense. The audience has no idea about the implication the events, the people, heck, the movie doesn't even explain anything sounding big brother. Much of these problems could have been solved by having a narrator, but because they didn't it leaves the audience confused for the entire duration of the movie. I want my money back.
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Richard Collins
April 1, 2018
Great Adaptation of a classic novel. The book is slightly better of cause. But I saw the movie first, and this just happens to be a fine adaptation with a strong performance from John Hurt. The soundtrack is sensational. I think those saying "you need to read the book beforehand" are not correct, the film is easily understandable and logical if you're coming in fresh to the story. You having read the book first were probably dissatisfied with the broader strokes of the film version.
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