Michael Locher
"Insurrection" is dull, "The Undiscovered Country" and "The Voyage Home" are both a little flat, and "Nemesis" is a sassy but apocryphal mess, but no Trek film flies as far off the rails as "The Final Frontier." From the beginning, the tone is off, the dialog inconsistent with the characters we know, the jokes lame, and the story - my god, the story. Never has a movie careened faster from mildly interesting to stupid to totally laughable. The climactic confrontation is the stuff of Razzie legend.
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Christian Bradshaw
Could've been a great addition but it is what it is...a flop. Can't blame it all on Shatner considering the writer's strike at the time. I think if they redid it, it has the potential to be a good addition to the series. Avoid unless you're immensely curious, then rent only (don't say no one warned you).

Derek OCain
Not terrible, could have been better. It had a decent storyline that suffered from being underdeveloped and had average effects. Still, not as bad as some say. Star Trek VI was a big improvement on this one.