Sam Rothermel
I knew the movie would look great and it is like poetry in motion watching it. What we have here though is a great film version of a Philip K. Dick story that doesn't suck. That isn't to imply that Dick's stories aren't good, but that most if not all film versions of his stories always seem to come out too Hollywood-ized and not true to the original story. This one was taken right from his brain, and it is a somewhat disturbing and personal look into a particular period of his life. The acting is also superb in the movie, with each character getting the most out of their respective actors.

Jonathan Hall-Neal-Bayne (Johnny)
The thing that made me bump this down from a 5 star is not knowing that there was context I needed to understand before viewing. This movie is based off of the book, which is based off of the book author's own fight with addiction in 1970s drug-culture. Cool concepts make for wonderful films. tldr; This film & the book are a parable of his own addictions set in the future.

Ralph Perez
INCREDIBLE. As a HUGE PKD fan, the film captures the original book so magically well. The way the used the animation over live action and allowed that to inform the paranoia and hallucination was so excellently executed that i had to immediately watch it a second time in theatres. i own the book and this did one of the BEST jobs of any Phillip K Dick adaptation.