Miss You Already

2015 • 112 minutes
286 reviews
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About this movie

Milly (Collette) is the woman who has everything. Her best friend Jess (Barrymore) works in a community garden, lives in a boathouse and desperately wants a baby. Friends since childhood Jess and Milly can't remember a time they didn't share everything - secrets, clothes, even boyfriends, their differences are the glue that binds them together. That is until Milly is hit with the life changing news that she has breast cancer and now needs Jess to be the strong one.

Ratings and reviews

286 reviews
Harry Dathore
August 2, 2022
¡Guau! ¡Todavía estoy llorando! Me conmovió la forma en que manejó su enfermedad con humor. No estoy de acuerdo con que use a otro hombre para aumentar su ego. En la vida real, da miedo que tu vida cambie tan rápido. Que te digan que tienes cáncer, reza y con la esperanza de que puedas vencer. Estaba buscando una película de chicas, una película divertida de Haha. ¡Sorpresa! Me encantó la película, pero no me gustó la forma en que terminó.
Ken R Fox
March 27, 2016
"Hate it Already!" Nothing about this was "Wow...that part was really great" or "Wow...that part was so funny" or "Wow...can't believe I'm crying s-so h-hard right now...it's just so painful to see friends like - like them having to go through so...so much and still...(you get the idea)". I will say this movie did have a ton of "Wow, I think I fell asleep and missed the best part" and "Wow - what a selfish beeyutch" and "Wow, he really loves her so much - howcum she's cheating on him so easily with no sign of guilt - why did he take so little convincing to take her back, and why is she still treating her chic buddy like the one person she wants to die with when she has a husband who loves her beyond any findable or even detectable reason???!?!?!?!?!?!? and lastly it had a HUGE moment of "Wow...I paid real money for this movie...I think I really am going to cry now!" Spare me - this is no version of deep friendship and love. It's all cliche, self excusing, predictable, bad heart tugging, boring to watch kind of film that tells the entire story in the title. I won't miss this film EVER!
Angela Hewett
February 25, 2017
After watching someone close to you go through the same illness, this is a movie that honestly nails it. It shows all the true sides of what it is like to not only suffer through the illness and its fate, but to also be someone on the outside that is watching you go through it. I haven't watched a movie that brings out the emotion like this one. Drew Barrymore and the other female actress were stunning, and I honestly couldn't see it played any better. Spot on.