Dirty Dancing: Television Special

2017 • 130 minutes
81 reviews
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About this movie

Dirty Dancing is an original movie event and reimagining of the beloved 1987 hit and pop-cultural phenomenon.

Ratings and reviews

81 reviews
A Google user
June 2, 2017
This was the worst so called remake! This didn't even come close to the original and the network should be ashamed of ever attempting to try. These were the worst possible choices in actors to play these roles. Patrick is rolling over on his grave due to that horrible rendition of She's Like the Wind! Stop touching CLASSIC movies!
14 people found this review helpful
Brittney Cruz
October 15, 2017
Actually one of the worst thing I've ever seen. For one, you shouldn't try to mess with something so good by not making it the best it can be or even trying. For another, how do you pick a leading lady who can't dance - AT ALL. Even whenshe's suppose to have "mastered" the dance... she looks like a 2nd grader taking a dance lesson. I'm not ragging on Abigail Breslin as an actress - I like her in other movies. This was just not the role for her and she shouldn't have been cast. Plus, there as no chemistry between her and Johnny. Shame.
15 people found this review helpful
David Tatkin
July 16, 2017
ALL OF THE OTHER REVIEWS HAVE MISSED THE BOAT. This should not be judged as a remake, but rather on its merits alone. Unfortunately, this film has no merits. None. Zippo. I thought I'd seen the worst movie ever made, back in the 70's. The Norseman, with Lee Majors. Move over, Lee, you have some stiff competition. LA Rams with junior high school quality paste on beards running through forest with recognizable landmarks endlessly looped: hilarity ensues. How does Dirty Dancing, Misfired stack up? Mis-cast? Check. Horrible screenplay? In spades. Actors singing and dancing who should have their SAG memberships irrevocably terminated? Why, of course. Babe played by actress who would have been better cast as the same namesake opposite Mr. Cromwell (sorry to be mean, but where was someone in the production to protect my sanity??). So, the reviews saying this version was absent any if the charm of the original are correct, but miss the point. This movie fails all on its own. Perhaps more importantly, I have been yanked from my comfort zone. Now I need to be on the lookout for a worse movie. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.