The Wall

2017 • 89 minutes
599 reviews
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About this movie

THE WALL is a deadly psychological thriller that follows two soldiers pinned down by an Iraqi sniper, with nothing but a crumbling wall between them. Their fight becomes as much a battle of will and wits as it is of lethally accurate marksmanship. Directed by Doug Liman (MR. & MRS. SMITH, THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM, EDGE OF TOMORROW), THE WALL stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson (NOCTURNAL ANIMALS, KICK-ASS, SAVAGES, GODZILLA, AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON) and WWE star John Cena (TRAINWRECK, SISTERS, DADDY'S HOME), and is written by first-time screenwriter Dwain Worrell from his Black List script.

Ratings and reviews

599 reviews
long so
August 21, 2017
Not really anything good to look for in this movie. The outcome is ultimately depressing and not worth a watch. Just watch a spoiler review video and save yourself the total feel of "anger"...for the way they treated the main characters, "hate"...for the ultimate win of the bad guy, and I'll go as far as "repulsed"...for treating the audience as nothings when they (the audience) traveled with these main characters through out the whole entire movie all the way to the end just to be...(in figure of speech) spit it in their face with the ending that was chosen. Depressing With a Capital D.
Daniel Bahr
August 27, 2017
Story line 0. Plausibility 0. Acting, meh, ok, maybe a 3. Plot 0. Felt like this was some Holleywood persons attempt to settle a political score or make a statement - both of which are a complete wast of time (note to all entertainers, I watch you to be entertained, and that's all. You collectively know less about politics than a 5th grader so please don't assume you have some superior position or a moral high ground, you don't.). So final mark for Political Statement 0. Overall score is 0.6 which rounds up to a 1 (can't give it a zero anyway...).
frank p
August 18, 2017
If you like movies where the bad guy wins then this is for you. This is again a movie that doesn't have any satisfying closure. Other movies that follows this exact same premise (wolf creek, and eden lake just to name a few) where they show good characters just dying needlessly without any real justice to their demise. I can see someone getting repulsed by these kind of movies as the antagonist goes unhurt and lives on possibly wrecking more havoc. Just not a way I like to sent an hour and a half thank you. And by reading other negative reviews I guess I'm not the only one who wished a better outcome for the main characters.
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