Magus Esper
love this movie just remember that your standing on a planet thats revolving. any problem you are having seems small and silly considering the vastness of the planet and the universe. i dunno thats always helped me. everything but the fat guy vomit part i give a 10 out of 10 if you are not into seeing vomit dont watch that part you will know it when you see it.

Barry Calligan
This movie was the funniest movie of all time. It is a shame that movies like the Monty Python movies, Blazing Saddles, and National Lampoon's Animal House are made in today's world. These movies were inspiring pieces of comedy ever written in history, but because of today's PC culture movies like this don't exist anymore. Comedy needs to be restored and it needs to be restored now.

Carly Sturgeon
I loved it! It came on TV over the weekend. I came into it 5 minutes late, so the fighting between the two groups confused me. Still really enjoyed it, though. Lots of laughs.