Jesse L
It takes place with a autistic surgeon who looks like a beer bellied pharmacist. who watches the human centipede. Then wears a cape without a shirt or pants. Though wears a jock strap. .. Enough said. The moral of the story is... Don't sell autistic people firearms. Or don't put your mouth on someone's butt who's been consuming medical grade super laxative. Or wear pants so no one can shove a funnel into your butt and put a centipede there. Or you can not claw your way in a metal car.
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Jade Hyena
I watched the first human centipede movie, although a lot of people told me I would not enjoy it. I did enjoy the first one, so when I saw the second one I thought what the hell. I watched this movie with a friend of mine, and we both agreed that we would never watch it again. We watched it all the way to the end, and we tried to like it we really did. But it seems that they were just trying to get money off the first title and just show us a lot of really creepy s***. If you feel like mentally traumatizing some friends though, play it at a party that would be fun.

John Jones
For those that rated this movie 3 stars and up! You have know idea what good horror flicks are and should cut your eyes and tongue out so we don't have to hear or see u lookin at us, man 1850's horror flicks were better than this and I don't even know if they even had moving pictures then or even with sound for that matter. Tom six u six!!!!!!!!!