Daniela Ortiz
When Charles Lee Ray is shot down by Detective Norres. He uses voodoo to traffers his soul into a good guy doll. In the morning it was Andy's 6th Birthday. He wanted to surprise his mom, Karen with breakfast. He wanted a good guy doll, but ends up getting clothes. Karen apologize for didn't got his good guy doll. And drops off Andy in school. Maggie told Karen about a homeless person has a good guy doll not know that is possessed by Charles Lee Ray.
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Cassara Rose
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One of the best in the entire franchise, only in competition with "Cult Of
Chucky" and "Child's Play 2." It's a different take on your average
murderous boogeymen, and it's just great. From the soundtrack to the
acting, to even the genuine fear that Andy gives out, this movie is stellar
in every sense of the word

Latasha English
crazy but I don't care it's not scary to me how do you watch The Curse of Chucky to the last year either call School call Brar get off the phone with Cara phone number for Terra Bella CA to Pismo CA Apple mascara Uno Guitar Hero World Tour tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho Hawaii
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