Feathers McMoose
I remember when this movie hit theaters in 2002. While I wanted to see it then, I never did. Finally saw it tonight and so happy that I did. Just a nice sweet movie with a girl and a boy and a love story that is believable. Sometimes you really do give your whole heart away and there is no taking it back.
21 people found this review helpful

Mary Wilkening
Very funny from the 1st min. Keeps your interest, no drifting off in boredom. Perfect casting. All around good movie! Reece and Josh make perfect on screen romantic couple. Highly recommended!

Ashlee Webb
I have loved this movie since the first day I saw it years ago! It is very unpredictable, as Andrew is the obvious choice in a husband, but she doesn't choose him in the end. I adore the childhood love that is portrayed in this movie, which deepens over time and becomes absolutely beautiful!
15 people found this review helpful