Marvin Worst
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This was an absolute horribly movie. I would give it -5 stars if I could. First of all the movie was absolutely boring and slow moving. Eli Roth should never write another movie if this is the type of junk he is going to put out. The directing was okay, but the lead character (keanu reeves) make bad and unrealistic decisions. Without these unrealistic decisions, the movie would have ended in the first 15 minutes. Secondly the two female lead characters were not very convincing as sociopaths. Matter of fact they just come off as dim-witty and annoying. They were more interested in vandalizing the house and just making a mess around the house than attacking keanu's character. Very hard to watch the laughable performances. The Louis was more interested in preventing the sculpture from being damaged than he was from freeing the keanu character from his bondage.
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Jeff Shellow
Horrible.... Just awful.. I honestly feel this is a case where any reviewer who says otherwised is biased or has skin in the game.. For me its a shame ,because I've known of Keanu for many years and was more encouraged by his recent forays into martial arts and even foreign films (for us ). Bit this dreck truly proves once and for all .. Mr reeves has never been an artist
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Terrible. Saw bad reviews but thought I'd give it a try. Sick and disgusting movie to say the least. Fast forwarded through a lot of it just to see how it ends....(horribly). Unnecessary sicko pedo and daddy/daughter and family gross-ness that didn't needed to be added! Not even scary for a horror, just stupid. I laughed maybe 2 or 3 times. Usually enjoy Keanu, his worst in my opinion-