i've seen and loved this movie ever since it came out....but i have a valid complaint that i want GOGGLE PLAY STORE to know about..you people have "chopped up" every movie that i've purchased.every one of them has come up "short" ( movie theather content that's now been deleted) in the "movie's" you're now pawning off on the public.i have a photographic memory that has served me well all of my 68 year's,and it hasn't failed me yet.i'm telling all of my friend's what you're still doing and are....

Oliver Roche
This movie is like a silent film! With such a small cast on a small rock, no wonder he was able to escape. Good thing he didn't get raped by the guy in the shower. If so, he wouldn't of become a cop!

Aidan Danforth
Great Film love Clint Eastwood's character such a badass, the end (no spoilers) was one of the most satisfying endings to a movie I've ever seen. 5 stars definitely recommend if you're into action and thriller films.