Mike L.
Got boring, you could watch this in 2x fast forward and still understand it. Rotten Tomatoes, which is a harsh and brutal bunch of film critics, gave this movie a 94%... I have no idea what was in their glass pipe when they were watching this. This movie was repetitive and lost it's purpose half way through.

Mr. Schwa Sound
I've seen those clubs and met musicians like Llewyn , self absorbed, bitter and desperate, unable to connect with anyone but themselves. I'm not sure what the motivation was to make this film, although the acting, writing and production are superb. If you want to really see this movie, just go to an open mic night at any club in L.A. Nashville or N.Y.C and talk to one of the performers.
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Susan Florence
I admit I may just not get it. Well, I don't get it. Lots of miserable people, and I can't find one redeeming or entertaining moment in the whole dreary piece. Really annoying music, as well. Thank goodness for a moment of Bob Dylan's ov at the end.
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