Cristobal Rojas
In Chile where I live we don't usually watch these erotic movies... or yes we actually do because that's our latina culture...... never mind. but they're usually high qualited and not a 2012 version like tengo ganas de ti. also they're like adult videos on adult sites if you know what I mean.... and not basic and boring looking actors like gin and H. and they're not having sex on a toilet like in tengo ganas de ti uhm but I suppose they wanted it to look cheap and aesthetic. anyways bad movie, bad quality, bad actors, bad title on the movie not creative

Can we pretend that I was never here?
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I have a super important exam in school tomorrow, yikes. Instead of studying and repeating the last bit I had to come here to dissuade you all from watching this movie. It's more important that I do something for a good cause rather than acing my exam. Truly this movie makes me want to be unborn. Imagine what a relieve though. Starting all over again with a clean slate. No math homework, no school and most importantly NO TEMGO GANAS DE TI! No memories of ever seeing the idiotic scenes in this movie. How fantastic it would be to be in my mom's womb again and be pure and innocent.

Nicole Fischer
Today I was wearing my favorite sweater. It's mint green and knitted with a nice framework of my waist. All my friends complimented me and I matched it with my white pearl earrings! We were in the school cafeteria when my friend Lena suggested I watch this movie with her on her phone. What happened next is despicable and indescribable. The actors in this movie had sex and it was too graphic. I was so shocked that I accidentally spilled blueberry fruit drink all over my favorite shirt. It's ruined now. Blueberry stains are not removable. This disgusting movie destroyed everything. Lots of hatred from a German girl.