Name Withheld
This movie is probably one of the least heartfelt movies I have ever seen.Michelle pfeiffer offers little to no emotional support for "her kids" other than a few tears. I really believe that Lean on Me was a much more interesting film for it's day. Spoiler** I don't get how the classes were only a few minutes long interrupted by the occasional bell ring. I paid $2.99 for this movie because I thought it was a classic,I was wrong,Never should have rented it. It's one of the movies that if you missed it, Good!
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Juan Nunez (Xalazi - Fadedendless)
A good, but not perfect "teacher helps down and out kids" movie. Michelle Pfeiffer delivers a very good performance in the lead role. LouAnne Johnson is a likable and relate-able protagonist that I found myself rooting for through out. The supporting cast of kids do a solid job in their roles. Callie Roberts, played by Bruklin Harris is the one that stands out the most from me. The weak spots for the movie are the directing and story. While the directing isn't outright bad, it's just kind of there. It's very unambitious, which gives the movie a bit of a made for TV feel. The story can get a little cliche and corny at times. Again, it gives the movie a bit of a TV feel. Overall, I think that it's an enjoyable Teen drama. It's not perfect, but it does work.

A must see for all first year teachers. Perhaps not the best movie in the world, but important nonetheless. With effort, you CAN reach every student. I'm glad my Board Of Ed recommended this film.