We Need to Talk About Kevin

2011 • 112 minutes
236 reviews
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About this movie

A suspenseful and gripping psychological thriller, Lynne Ramsay's WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN explores the fractious relationship between a mother and her evil son. Tilda Swinton, in a bracing, tour-de-force performance, plays the mother, Eva, as she contends for 15 years with the increasing malevolence of her first-born child, Kevin (Ezra Miller).
Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN explores nature vs. nurture on a whole new level as Eva's own culpability is measured against Kevin's innate evilness. Ramsay's masterful storytelling simultaneously combines a provocative moral ambiguity with a satisfying and compelling narrative, which builds to a chilling, unforgettable climax.

Ratings and reviews

236 reviews
Aaron Bell
April 23, 2014
Other than the cast this movie basically sucked. Slow moving, annoyingly lengthy scenes of tilda simply walking around while you were forced to listen to crappy ragtime music, and skipped around needlessly. Im fine when movies don't go in chronological order but they heavily missed the mark on this one. BORING
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Tyler Gann
February 15, 2022
Extremely slow and somewhat boring, but thought dude playing the psycho did a good job, up until the end, I didn't like. He's suppose to be a killer, had zero empathy his entire life, up until the last scene in the movie he's crying in jail. No way! Also, felt it could relate more to school violence if he shot up school w/ gun not arrows. This weapon selection felt like the director was trying to play it safe to not offend anyone w/ gun violence.
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September 8, 2018
This was extremely boring in my opinion. And the sex scene between John Reilly and Tilda Swinton scared my mind. Extremely slow moving film that tries to take itself TOO serious, wants to be artsy, jumps around in timeline constantly (not hard to follow, just annoying) and the dialogue was dull. A bunch of brooding looks and scenes with Tilda Swinton looking drugged while staring at a wall.
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