Chris Dunne
For such an intense and epic time in history I felt this depiction was weak. I think those times were even worse and this film should have been more raw. The attacks on those marchers were brutal. With the fire hoses and dogs. A film on this subject should make us feel sick to our stomach like Schindler's list. And dare I say, MLK was not believable enough. The wrong actor played the part. Academy Awards are not won just because the subject is big. There are plenty of reasons why this effort fell short.
197 people found this review helpful

This is a movie that will be enjoyed by the parasites who collect welfare and scheme of ways they can scam those of us who work and feed off of those who are too ignorant to realize slavery is in the PAST. Let's make a movie about blacks who such the system dry and try to depict themselves as recently freed slaves. Oh wait, they already made Barbershop.
16 people found this review helpful

the Kondor
They don't portray some of the characters with facts. Some made out to be enemies when actually they were against it. I live in Bama and know it was a horrid act of violence. The old video makes you wonder what the hell he police were thinking. Fellow Americans being run through a gauntlet. Shameful. Sad. Powerful film. Historically, this film is very inaccurate. LBJ's portrayal is way off. They are correct about most things but Oprah's political views are resonating throughout. Five stars if it was more accurate in that way.
53 people found this review helpful