Mason C
After seeing Zathura I now have a favorite board game to play at parties that isn't strip Mouse Trap. I may or may not have half masted it anytime Dax Sheppard was on-screen but let's be honest I'm not alone on this one

Kay Parks
Zathura: A Space Adventure is a really fun movie! It's about two brothers who get sucked into a board game and end up on a crazy space adventure. There are aliens, robots, and even a talking dog! It's got a lot of action and humor, and it's a great movie for kids and adults alike.

Geoff Cannon
It's literally a "sequel" to Jumanji, so of course it's going to have the same beats. The book this film is based on was written by the same author. If you're going to give a movie a low review, because of shared similarities to another movie, do the barest minimum of research prior to your review.