Shawn Linehan
Derrick T.Reeves Real - time hero since 1995 As michelle the sychologist tried so hard to set- up his future to failure. A pack with aliens with the united states government with meghans law on its mind and list has made me a criminal. Spyders since i found islam talked to allah since but no true expungement here in new jersey or the usa. Seems to have crawled to my disadvantaged to other countries. No love. Today sychologist suggest medicine.
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Lady S
Stupid just stupid..... didn't scare me or anything the characters in this movie were complete morons o didn't feel sorry for neither of the girls ....the Japanese guy ...maybe but the girls deserved what that got they were stupid enough to go into a stranger's home in the middle of the night and on top of that drink from him......the middle girl deserved what she got the most....when she got out of the bed she didn't bother to use the syringe on the doctor to possibly kill or knock him out to save herself her friend and the guy...and on top of that after a chase she had a chance to get away and instead of taking the chance to get away and get the cops she runs back and gets captured.....and let's not forget when trying to escape making all that damn noise not careing that the doctor could possibly hear them ....this movie made me shake my head from the stupidity.... :/

Ashley Giles
This movie sucked I have to agree it was so nasty that I hade to true it off I could not even watch it I tryed to but it was like when I tryed it got more and more nasty every part got worse and worse and I watched this on Netflix my friend at work said I can't believe u even put it on I was like yes and never watching it again so I would have to say to anyone who has not see this yet don't watch it it's a wast of time no wonder why it dose not have Manny likes and hardly ever say that.
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