Brad Henry
I have respect for the ones that say they didn't care for it and the opinions of how they liked the first one more. But when you say it blows and bring it down like crazy then I think you have issues. But whatever makes you feel better about yourself... Same with game apps. "It lags and bla bla bla." Show us how it's done. Quit your bitchin. People work hard on this stuff. I'm not going to say something sucks especially if I can't do better myself. Your review sucks. HATER.
4 people found this review helpful

J. Fenn
The American pre-occupation with monster hunting continues in this awesome remake of a classic horror movie. Makes me think that the collective conciseness is worried about an insidious monster with all the high quality demon possession, and zombie movies that are different from the physical monsters of the 1980s and 90s like Buffy the vampire slayer, interview with a vampire, Terminator 2, vanhelsing, etc... that preluded 911 and the iraq and afghanistan wars. This is an excellent movie created on an already saturated blend of sci-fi horror genre that has taken over the mature American movie industry. The fact that popular opinion enjoys a movie where nearly every character sacrifices an appendage to prevent the spread of evil may hint to the general unconscious notion that american freedoms have been or will be comprise in the near future, but the free and fearless will survive. I don't know, its just all speculation, but marks a definite departure from the sole blood, guts and gore movies of the past decades.
29 people found this review helpful

A Google user
The girl was like the exorcist meets the ring. Very creepy lines and makeup. According to behind the scenes interviews with the cast and people involved in making this film, this was all makeup. No special effects. I couldn't take the originals seriously. The video and audio effects were corny. They originals made over 30 years ago. If you saw the new one first the old one's just don't quite measure up. In horror movies, ur are not expecting good acting. Ur looking for fear. Better effects help with this.