Electric Soul
Flawed but still entertaining movie. It's better than Space Jam, and captures the spirit of the Tunes. Such a shame WB barely promoted it and didn't release it around August or September.
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Sarah Barker
This movie is absolutely hilarious, and the humor in it is very well written. If you're a die hard Looney Tunes fan, or if you enjoy a good comedy, then this movie is definitely a must see.

Jasmine Davis
When the evil Mr. Chairman ( leader of Acme) plans to take over Earth, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Kate Hotan, and DJ journey around the globe on an adventure to save the world from Acme operatives: Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote, Tasmanian Devil, and Marvin the Martian. Just to rescue DJ's father and a rare blue Monkey Diamond!
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