Laurietta Oakleaf
Very good choreography especially with mixing ballet and using hip hop with the classical to show how this developed from this as well. Julia stiles is a beautiful dancer and performs well in this movie and each time I watch again I see something new. If you love music, dancing, and etc. then watch this because someone put time into learning the styles of dancing and the origination of where dancing started from and is going great today. And the same with the music which is why some do not appreciate do not appreciate the movie, dancing, music, etc. Or seem to just appreciate the basis of what the movie is made up of
46 people found this review helpful

Latesha C
Man yall l love this movie hands down. It brought together two different cultures. Black and white. Hip hop which was flavor and ballet which was classical. I can only say it in words the love I have for this movie I'll never get tired of watching this movie. Two worlds came together and they learned from each other.. we all know the issue between black and white and this movie out did it!! Hat off to the director and cast. Well put together movie from real life struggles to just every day livin