Brandon Johnston
The first half of this movie is REALLY good. Tells a good Jack Ryan origin story and sets us on the path to become reacquainted with the character with all of the spy intrigue and suspense you could possibly want. But once act 3 kicks in the plot becomes too convenient to ignore. It's like the writer got really tired after all the effort put into a the first 2 acts and then just decided to phone it in for the climax. That said, I liked the actors & most of the plot. I'll watch it again, but it has its flaws
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Blake T
Was looking for an action flick indicative of the Bourne series, I didn't expect to be blown away by Shadow Recruit but am typically easy to please. This film completely missed the mark. The plot was limp and filled with holes. The acting would have been laughable if I hadn't been crying over the 5 bucks I'd just flushed. And the directing... Well there are just no words...
5 people found this review helpful

John Becknell
When Jack gets off the plane in Russia (why did he go to Russia again?), there's an attempt on his life. But no one, not even Jack, bothers to ask the obvious question--why were they shooting? or who was shooting? Obviously Jack's cover was blown wide open, right? But the movie pushes forward, as if it never happened, just one of those things on a bad Friday morning... Come on, where did this movie begin to make sense? I guess even fine actors need to pay the bills..
18 people found this review helpful