deborah elliott
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Close to the truth: "Jack the Ripper" was actually Prince Eddy, grandson of Queen Victoria, who killed the first prostitute. Thereafter the Queen's surgeon and other prominent men killed the other women and created the persona of Jack the Ripper, to direct attention away from Prince Eddy. The prostitutes were trying to blackmail the Crown . Patricia Cornwell's research on Jack the Ripper gets close to the truth, but she doesn't have the courage to tell everything.

Daniel Garcia
Would have or could have been so much more if the writers and studio didn't stray from the source material. Pick up the comic From Hell. You won't be disappointed

Unknown ?
A masterpiece that depicts the actual accounts of Jack The Ripper. Yes it was hard to watch at points for you have sympathy for the victims. Otherwise a perfect portrayal of The Ripper. Just the right amount of scares, blood and figures, Lust. Johnny Depp outdid himself here.