Brian W
This was great to watch, three character thriller, keeps u wondering who is on whose side.. I heard JJ abrahms came on after it was done... I think they should not have made it a clover field sequel, that part ruined it. More could have been done, but still worth play store half price rental

brian maricle
Its decently entertaining. If you like Goodman, he doesn't dissapoint. The other 2 characters are good as well. The story is mildly interesting, but lacks depth. Plagued by what I can only assume is a studio driven need to pay as few actors as possible (seems to be a trend out of HWood lately,) the script uses cursory clues to suggest a past tradgedy but doesnt bother to make the audience really care about it. The ending takes an unorthodoxed shift in direction that doesn't really pay off.

A Google user
I love this movie just how I loved cloverfeild because it was a good suspenseful movie with hardly any plot holes. It made sense to have the weird aliens if you had seen cloverfeild. However, don't watch cloverfeild on a big tv because of the camera shots it that movie. It's really shakey and can make you motion sick. On the bright side it was a good sequel of cloverfeild with good character development, good story, a plot that is deffidently unoriginal but fits the story so well. I watched this with my whole family and they thought it was super good! So if you want a suspenseful movie that you really want to enjoy watch cloverfeild first and then watch 10 cloverfeild lane. It makes 10 cloverfeild lane look even better!