for those interested, let me tell you more about the movie. The movie is about singing. I think the animals sing. They dance too. The pig is in charge and the funny one. It's kind of like american idol. The pig is voiced by James Courdon. The elephant is voiced by the amazing Jerry Seinfeld. The movie made me feel frustrated but um it isn't the worse thing I've seen. Therefore I give it two stars. It would be one but the pig is funny and the one in charge. hAHA FUNNY PIG. My least favorite character is the lady pig, Betty. She wasn't funny or in charge.
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I give Sing a 7.1/10 Pros: this is actually one illuminations better movies, this movies funny at times, the animation is fine, some of the songs they used were kind of catchy, this movie is underrated, I actually like the voice cast, I like the mouse guy, I just realized that this movie is a parody of American Idol Cons: parts are underwhelming, okay basically this is zootopia but it's a musical, how the hell is the snail driving a car, some of the jokes we're boring

Paul “Baloo” Johnson
Bad writing paired with great vocals. Pretty sure the cast got together after some other projects or an awards show for a trip to a karaoke bar, and decided they were good enough to make a movie out of it. And it works on that level much better than I expected. All but one character has no logical motivation to continue after the second act. Honestly thought Mike was voiced by Frank Sinatra, Junior instead of what is Seth MacFarlane's best performance to date.
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