Just Go With It

2011 • 116 minutes
1.86K reviews
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About this movie

Danny (Adam Sandler) is a successful plastic surgeon who pretends to be unhappily married to get women. When he finally meets a girl (Brooklyn Decker) he believes to be the woman of his dreams, he doesn't use his method on her, but she soon finds the wedding band he uses. Afraid of telling her the truth, he tells her he's getting a divorce, to which she requests to meet his soon-to-be ex. He asks his office manager Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) to pose as his wife in order to prove his story, but one lie turns into another that brings Katherine's children into his scheme, resulting in a trip to Hawaii that will change all their lives. 2011 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

1.86K reviews
Naps H
March 17, 2020
This movie makes my whole family laugh. If you take it as just an entertaining, silly story, it doesn't disappoint. Adam sandler movies hit a sweet spot for us. His movies are witty yet not condescending if you don't get it. And there's always a sense of surprise as absolutely anything can happen. Not my favorite Adam Sandler movie, but we've watched it quite a few times.
Josh Impinto
June 13, 2016
Just Got With It wasn't too bad. Not my favourite Adam Sandler movie, but watchable. He hasn't made a good movie since 90's. It's a shame really. Adam Sandler is a talented actor, he Just chooses the wrong roles. I've decided to give up on Adam Sandler movies all together. (Especially after That's My Boy)
17 people found this review helpful
Bryan Williams
August 25, 2015
I found this to be very entertaining. Aniston and Sandler have great chemistry together, the kids are hilarious and it's just...fun. I watch movies to be entertained and this movie did that and then some. And props to Nicole Kidman for her small roll. She was freaking hilarious!