Boushikage Sagat
Saw in theaters. Won't spoil anything, because all the other reviews have that covered. This is a reboot franchise, not a prequel. It wasn't completely hashed out before Alien was made, so lose those pretenses. When asked, you usually get a split fandom of the franchise, fans of Alien, and fans of Aliens. I'm the latter, so let that bias factor in. The bad: too much work was done because he couldn't procure the rights to the aliens' look, so we got a long half hearted explanation of why the aliens looked different. The storyline and direction were equally long winded, and the kill scenes seemed about as worked on as a b slasher flick. Not too excited for the finale.
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Morpheus Murphy (ImIndridCold)
on alien Covenant only, it wont let me copy and paste 1 moment please... and seems you atr fotced to review here.... Noomi rapace "Elizabeth" missing, her corpse was the best star besides David... I was looking forward to some complex story involving them,and maybe Davids love being allowed to develop to touch on the AI thing then a lot of cool engineer and xenomorph things they have to fight in this process...you dont get that awesome movie. You get this Abortion, Shaws corpse,David and Tennessee were the only really great cast members, I hope Ridley will kill that gross Daniels character instantly. Its a cast of useful idiots plus David,Elizabeth Shaws corpse, a guy Named Tennessee,a neo and xenomorph were also better than everyone but those 3 as well as some dead engineers. This is just an abortion or a bad dream you decide. #BringBackShaw. I loved Prometheus ad who doesn't love the quadrilogy!!! 5 stars for all other films.
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Andres Mendoza
While the graphics and cgi look good and it helps close a part of the previous movie the amount of plot holes that stack up causes the whole story to fall apart. I can overlook a couple of plot holes and dumb moves a character makes for the sake of a story but this one defies all logic even in today's world much less in the future. I would say if your a big fan of the franchise then watch it once, but no more than that.
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