Kyle Vansteelandt
What would happen if you make a fun, silly, quirky, colorful animated comedy with a serious theme about protecting wildlife? "Open Season" has the answer. This film has these typical visual cartoonish gags and slapstick gags that will keep the kids laughing out loud. However, kids should deserve more mature smarter, and better than this, so this film is worth a rental. This movie has a phenominal cast, it has some of the best voice acting i've ever heard (even though some of the accents don't belong in the american wilderness), it has a very good music score that fit the film perfectly & has a lot of color, it has strong witty dialogue (although, some parts of dialogue that needs to be cut out), this movie has clever cartoonish comedy, and i enjoyed almost every character in this film. The animation is fine (it shows us what 2D characters would look like if they were in 3D).
19 people found this review helpful

angry Demon666
This is a gay movie how can you make this isnt right at all best friends forever means long distance relationship why did you make this movie know people are gonna think this movie is a gay movie you are ruining children's movie's it's only predicting the future of gay rape which I could burn in hell for doing that plus Jesus does not like this video this is absoutly just gay children we'll not see the future after we're gonna see a gay children that only think about men are only gay children read the holy bible or face the wrath of the catholic holy bible how could you do this know because you know there's gonna be child rape and children that are only victimize you haved ruined children cartoons and know children we'll be murder know because of this gay movie
25 people found this review helpful

Crimsonroselee Randomponder
I loved it when it first came out, but, after seeing other animated films it's not as great in my opinion. It's a fun film, some bathroom humor but that's about par for the course with this type of stuff. It's definitely better than the sequels.
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