Levi Reno
Ignore the comments saying anything good about this movie. The poorly tied together story, excuses for how some are immune, senseless scenario setup, the killing off of main characters, and overall movie in general, was by far one of the worst zombie movies I've ever seen. It wasn't even scary! The people who call this a scary movie are the people who get scared of horror movie parodies. Terrible in every category. If you want a hands down better version of this movie. Go watch "World War Z".
16 people found this review helpful

Ford Flowers
Doesn't hold a candle to the original. If you've seen 'The Descent' you know how good it was. If you've seen its sequel and known how trash it was, you know how this will go. I admit the opening scene is as impressive as it's made out to be, but everything else is lackluster. Horribly scripted, violently American in cinematography, and manages to make me bored of the main theme. I didn't think that last part was possible. I admit I enjoyed the makeup, but the special effects were CGI trash and unnecessary. Glad I rented instead of buying this.
6 people found this review helpful

Although the film has a rather solid story and great cast, it suffers from having too much story and not enough time to expand on such ideas. It additionally lacks the polish and impact the original had, along with a rather abrupt ending and odd sequel bait usage as the original lacked this entirely.
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