Mallory Boone
This the worst movie repersentation of a book I have ever seen. It claims to be the movie of the first book though has scenes of all 5 books. The events in the books are put in the wrong order. Also they combined characters. There are several events in this movie that never happened in the book. The actors and actresses do a poor job of displaying emotions in tge movie. The only decent thing about this movie is the music. Do Not buy this movie you'll will be wasting your money. Trust me.
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I liked it,having read all the book several times,giving the amount of $ and time it takes to make a movie,and they advertised this to a younger audience (too young) when the movie came out,I like that they let Jace have an accent, since in the story he grew up in Idris until he was 10 and that is supposed to be in the heart of Europe....he could very well still have his accent..the guy could have been a lil buff though and Clary's hair redder.…etc but I thought it was still good.I like who they used for Alec,Izzy could have used work...

A Google user
I'm hard-pressed to think of a worse movie than this. The main character is weak, dumb, unidimensional, and generally unsympathetic. The setting was not self consistent and failed to suspend one's disbelief. The villain's motives were unclear and never explained. Several other plot lines were never resolved. The characters repeatedly made stupid mistakes that were obvious not just in hindsight but even in the moment. Overall just awful.
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