Tommie Jones
Basically a street fight between two space creatures most adept at killing humans like slicing through buttered marshmallow mixed with rice krispies. Both the predator and aliens have advanced armour and in the case of the aliens a biological toxin which makes both creatures formidable opponents. But in the end it all comes down to a thinking strategy to win.

cheryl Jemison
If you can find a 20th century fox movie with better effects, let me know... I thought not. This film was good. Obviously it was a simple straight line plot, but it was damn near excellent. Not one single plot hole appeared. Then the crossover made so.much sense. Two foes hate each other, but us humans have to DO EVERYTHING.

Judah Manspeaker
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As a movie, it's more or less ok. The acting isn't exactly Shakespeare
worthy but isn't bad by any means. The over all story is ok too. It takes
place in a secluded area as an alien movie should, it's got action and
suspense like a predator movie should. It gets the feel of the movie right.
The movie knows what it is. It doesn't explore new territories for either
franchise but doesn't have too as it works well with whats already been
done. Over all this movie isn't 5/5 but is deffidently a fun Friday night
creature feature. A bit much for PG-13 but by no means is that a bad thing!
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