Sam Rothermel
A spectacular start to Brosnan's career as the titular James Bond and it's a great beginning. Good old Sean Bean adds some gravitas to a relatively uneven picture, but it starts off the return of the character to an era that was missing him (and in my formative teenage years, no less).
22 people found this review helpful

mark smith
Worst cheesiest bond ever. Typical 90's tripe. They should have just kept Timothy Dalton. I know about the contracts etc for Brosnan and remington steel. I think it was bad everything back then story's scripts 90's crappness cheesy one lines
8 people found this review helpful

This movie is without a doubt in my mind, the best 007 movie. Why shouldn't you get it here though? It's 15 dollars to buy, and there is no option to rent nearly every James Bond movie on offer. If you want to get more of these movies, you will have to pay 15 dollars for each movie individually. You're probably better off just ordering the Blu-Ray from eBay. You can only download the movie on portable devices. So, watching it on WiFi is the only option for computers. The movie player isn't that great, either.
20 people found this review helpful