Samuel Courliss
This sequel to the hit National Treasure is nowhere near as good. Still, Nicolas Cage gives an excellent performance as a treasure hunter, and Riley is still the 2nd best character. Unfortunately, Abigail just got a little annoying, and Ben's father is a little too wacky for my taste. Fortunately, the action and plot keeps you sucked in long enough to get through the movie, keeping it from having an overlong feel. You like this movie, then I recommend the 2005 hit Sahara.
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Cristian Mason
I enjoyed the first one and I also enjoyed the second one. I would really recommend this to anybody to watch. Normally if you see the first one, you might think that the first one was better but no the second one was just as good to me at least. Great movie

Pat Bo
I am a Nicolas Cage fan because of the national treasure series. I believe I called Disney and they said they're going to make a third installment, let's hope. There's a lot of true history in this movie. the southern Group reference in this movie actually existed, They created a coin as monetary tender . Jesse James gang and the younger brothers actually buried bucket full of southern tender and a map exists, you can find out about this on the net. I own & watch this movie about every other month.
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