Chrishenda “Sheemie” McPherson
The baby was the love child between Frankie and the young man killed in the accident. They chose names prior to his death. They picked the name Alice if it was a girl. The irony of the southern white woman bearing the name Alice depicted opportunity, position in society at that time. Alice represented courage, strength something her stillborn would have experienced if she lived. Alice represented life on the white side of the track, offering luxury, protection as stated "you came back for me".

A Google user
This movie was long, boring, and drawn out. It could've been so much more due to the material, but the main plot was drawn out far too long. The one thing I'd like to know was left open ended at the end of the movie. It was not a good movie.
5 people found this review helpful

Briana C
I get where they were going with the plot, but it seemed unfinished. Too many clifhangers. I didn't feel as if the characters were developed well. Ms. Berry did a fantastic job but the plot left too much to the imagination...
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